DevLab T.S.A : Community Member
DevLab T.S.A : Community Member : DevLab T.S.A Interested people who also - if in local vicinity - mostly join the "OpenLab" events in the Makerspace for "social" or " active tasks".
Awarded once
DevLab T.S.A : Chemist
DevLab T.S.A : Chemist : These members deal in DevLab T.S.A with the subject of chemistry or chemical substances and are also able to combine corresponding substances and bring them to application in a targeted manner.
Awarded 0 times
DevLab T.S.A : CNC Operator
DevLab T.S.A : CNC Operator : These members are engaged in DevLab T.S.A on the subject of CNC manufacturing. This is PRIMARY CNC milling AND / OR SECONDARY CNC turning.
Awarded once
DevLab T.S.A : 3D Printing OR Laser Engraving
DevLab T.S.A : 3D Printing OR Laser Engraving : These members deal in DevLab T.S.A with the topic 3D printer AND printing AND / OR with the topic 3D laser engraving.
Awarded 2 times
DevLab T.S.A : Mechanic
DevLab T.S.A : Mechanic : These members work in DevLab T.S.A. on the subject of mechanics. Technologies such as conventional TURNING, MILLING, DRILLING, SAWING, etc., but also hand tools such as FILES are used.
Awarded 2 times
DevLab T.S.A : Electrician or Electronician
DevLab T.S.A : Electrician or Electronician : Diese Mitglieder beschäftigen sich in DevLab T.S.A mit dem Thema Elektrik und deren Installation. Der Elektroniker kümmert sich zusätzlich um Mikroprozessor Schaltungen UND Platinen bis hin zu kompletten Steuerungen.
Awarded once
DevLab T.S.A : Technical Drawtsman
DevLab T.S.A : Technical Technical Draftsman : These members deal with the subject of technical drawings in DevLab T.S.A.. These can be created as a "workshop drawing" by "hand" OR designed using CAD programs such as AutoCAD or Fusion 360. Based on the drawings, the completion of the created object is then usually done.
Awarded 0 times
DevLab T.S.A : Constructor
DevLab T.S.A : Constructor : In DevLab T.S.A, these members deal with the planning, creation and design of various components AND / OR controls AND / OR complete machines. For this it comes also sometimes to the cooperation with the electronics engineer AND / OR mechanic AND / OR technical draughtsman.
Awarded 2 times
DevLab T.S.A - Programmer
DevLab T.S.A : Programmer : These members deal in DevLab T.S.A with the topic programming. It is about the control of hardware AND / OR the development of tools. Often the programming language "Python" - "C++" or "VB" is used.
Awarded once
DevLab T.S.A : Documenter
DevLab T.S.A : Documentator : These members deal in DevLab T.S.A with the topic video AND / OR live streaming. This includes documenting projects and production processes, but also video tutorials in general and V-Blogging are part of this task spectrum.
Awarded 0 times
DevLab T.S.A : Webmaster AND / OR Blogger.
DevLab T.S.A : Webmaster OR Blogger. : These members deal in DevLab T.S.A as webmaster with the website of DevLab T.S.A , structure it and take care of the plugins. Bloggers, on the other hand, are responsible for the content of the DevLab T.S.A site and add posts to it. By the way, the website is located HERE : CMS System : DevLab T.S.A.
Awarded once
DevLab T.S.A : ( Server ) Administrator
DevLab T.S.A : ( Server ) Administrator : This (these) member(s) deal in DevLab T.S.A with the server and network technology. The topic of IT hardware and software are also part of the administrator's area of responsibility.
Awarded 0 times
DevLab T.S.A : Urban Planting
DevLab T.S.A : Urban Planting : These members are engaged in DevLab T.S.A with the topic of plant cultivation, especially for food production. For this purpose, the free-standing plant housing is used and our fully electronically controlled greenhouse.
Awarded once
DevLab T.S.A : Recycler
DevLab T.S.A : Recycler : In DevLab T.S.A, these members deal with recycling AND / OR sustainability and reuse.
Awarded once