µTorrent 1.1.4 - Speichersparender Torrent-Client

  • µTorrent 1.1.4 - Speichersparender Torrent-Client

    µTorrent ist ein nur 91 Kilobyte grosser BitTorrent-Client für Windows, der trotz seiner minimalen Grösse mit einer guten Ausstattung aufwarten kann. Die Software wurde entwickelt, um den laufenden Betrieb des Host-Computers so wenig wie möglich zu beeinträchtigen. Es ist nichtmal eine Installation nötig.

    Der Client belastet die CPU wenig und kommt normalerweise mit weniger als vier Megabyte Arbeitsspeicher aus. Er verfügt jedoch über alle Eigenschaften, die ein guter BitTorrent-Client mitbringen sollte. So kann problemlos mehrere Downloads gleichzeitig durchführen und auch festlegen, zu welcher Uhrzeit, wieviel Bandbreite genutzt werden darf. In Kürze soll auch eine deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar sein.

    Fix: Switch to vurlix's icon
    Fix: Changed default port to 32459
    Fix: Decrease about box sound volume to 50%
    Fix: Center several dialogs on the screen.
    Fix: Set the connect-to-tracker-on-exit timeout to 10 seconds instead of 60
    Fix: Show 100% for zero byte files.
    Fix: Missing OleInitialize from directory browser.
    Fix: Some missing translations.
    Feature: Superseed.
    Feature: Send no_peer_id=1 to tracker.
    Fix: Rename button in create torrent dialog to Cancel/Close depending on state.
    Fix: Replaced 'Create and start sharing' with a checkbox and fixed so it actually works.
    Feature: Don't play the sound unless you click on the uTorrent icon in the about box.
    Feature: Store peers in resume file.
    Fix: Resolve Peer Ips option is now instant.
    Feature: Don't include forced jobs in seed queue computations.
    Fix: Flags field in the UI sometimes said U incorrectly.
    Feature: Ban clients that result in too many hashfails.
    Feature: If you are adding a new torrent, check if the data has already been downloaded to the completed folder.
    Fix: Crash when adding torrent for some languages.
    Feature: Added logger window.
    Fix: Use system's default character set when creating font objects. Fixes some strings not displaying correctly in translations
    Fix: Use the system's window text color in the general detail tab
    Fix: any/all in seed priority were reversed.
    Change: Use WsaEventSelect() instead of select(). (Should get rid of Select() error)
    Fix: Fix crash bug for some tracker replies
    Change: Show scrape info only on the generals tab. Show internal list info in the list.
    Feature: Load announce-list.
    Feature: Added relevance column in peer view, shows how interesting the peer is.
    Feature: Don't allow connect to self.
    Fix: Be somewhat smarter when detecting if a torrent has already been downloaded to a location. - Fix: Move completed torrents didn't work right, torrents would get lost on restart.
    Change: Unchoker will behave as if it's seeding when nothing is being downloaded.
    Feature: Submit utorrent version number in crashdumps.
    Feature: The %-done counter now doesn't include skipped pieces.
    Feature: Include version number in HTTP requests.
    Fix: File associate function didn't cleanup properly from BitComet.
    Feature: Show blocks that have been downloaded but not yet written to disk in a different color.
    Feature: Include incomplete pieces in the resume state.
    Fix: Produce better error dumps.
    Fix: Window wasn't maximized on startup.
    Feature: Auto load torrents from a specified directory.
    Change: Redesigned generals tab.
    Feature: Added option to limit # of connections for computers with unpatched SP2.
    Feature: Connect to tracker again if we don't have enough peers in the internal list.
    Fix: Seeder priority now works right if you've skipped some pieces.
    Feature: If there is no default download folder, remember the last chosen folder when asking where to save torrents.
    Feature: Added option to log peer traffic.
    Change: Switch to Determination's status icons.

    Projekt-Homepage: uTorrent.com

    Software-Download: utorrent.exe (91 Kb, englisch)

    Quelle: http://www.winfuture.de


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